Christmas Trees and Decorations

by Olav Vroegop There is one tradition! One that’s the best! As you should know it’s Christmas! As you all know, you can’t celebrate Christmas without a Christmas tree and decorations. A lot of people like Christmas trees because they are green and cool. If I were you, I would choose the Christmas tree as […]

Christmas poem

It’s just the day that gives me this amazing feeling,  like I’m jumping from the floor to the decorated ceiling Outside you can hear the bells ringing, and the people who are happily singing This is a wonderful day to celebrate, it is the day for which we all eagerly wait But it isn’t only […]

Wensjes van kleine mensjes

By Rinisha Ganga Elk jaar mogen kinderen kaartjes schrijven voor de kerstman met hun wensen en hoe lief ze zijn geweest heel het jaar door. Er wordt meestal dan een kindje uitgekozen die negen jaar is om de kerstman te bezoeken, maar dat is al in geen 200 jaar gebeurd. Kinderen hebben hoop verloren, dat […]

Who is Santa Clause ?

  By: Alexa Frederique Goris Santa Clause, also known as Father Christmas or simply Santa, is a well known character/person coming from Western Christian culture, who is said to bring children presents, toys, candy or nothing, depending on whether the children are “naughty or nice”. He supposedly makes this happen  with the help of elves, […]