The Good, The Bad and The AI

By Roshni Ganga A few weeks ago, I sat in front of my laptop, hands on the keyboard, debating whether my AI assignment should be objective or subjective. Everything has an inner voice, right? Well, AIs don’t, they just execute orders. So I find it rather ironic how humanity blames AI for the terrors that […]

The Modern Sherlock

By Roshni Ganga Last year, the fourth graders at Schakel received a book about Sherlock Holmes and his first cases. And to speak for myself, I was rather excited to read about the adventures of this master detective.  As a child, I always imagined detectives in vintage brown coats and old-fashioned hats. Searching carefully on […]

Wonka’s Chocolaty Holiday Review

By Roshni Ganga Hold on to your sweet tooth, because I am about to spill the cocoa beans on the much anticipated cinematic treat about a young inventor, magician and chocolatier who grows into a true genius. In the film directed by Paul King, Timothée Chalamet dances his way onto the stage to present to […]

What Christmas Is Really About

People tend to forget What Christmas is really about They say “it’s about the pine tree And the beautiful decorations” “about the thick snow Laying on the street below” “Of course about colourful fireworks about giving meaningful gifts” “about feasts, mistletoes And Santa Claus” “Not to forget chocolate milk With the mini marshmallows” If you […]